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Chad Engbrock
Wylie Police blotter

Wylie Police blotter

Wylie Police Department blotter from April 4 – April 10 April 4• 12:43 – Possession of Marijuana, less than 2 ounces – 2000 N. Hwy. 78 • 16:56 – Assault Bodily Injury/Family Member – 1300 E. Oak St. • 18:46 –Found Property – 1800 McMillen Rd.• 20:36 – Possession of a...

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New chapter for Christian Care Center

New chapter for Christian Care Center

As of April 1, there will be new changes in local food pantry leadership. From left, Audrey Wallace, founder/director of 5 Loaves Food Pantry in Sachse, will relieve Wylie Christian Care Center directors Mary and Ron Warkentine of their duties. Rebekah Rodgers will...

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Black History Month; general, special election called

Black History Month; general, special election called

The Wylie City Council kicked off its meeting on Feb. 11, with a special recognition in honor of Black History Month. Council members acknowledged the contributions of local organizations, including, which has been actively involved in community...

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Texas’ 89th Legislature commences Jan. 14

Texas’ 89th Legislature commences Jan. 14

As Texas lawmakers prepare for the 89th Legislature to convene on Tuesday, Jan. 14, hundreds of bills have been filed, signaling the start of the 140-day regular session.  Every two years, the Texas Legislature meets in Austin for a session that allows lawmakers to...

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Collin County adopts operating budget

Collin County adopts operating budget

Collin County officials approved the budget for Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25), marking a 13.1% increase in expenditures and 16.2% increase in revenue from the previous year. During the Monday, Aug. 19 meeting, the commissioners court considered the final budget which...

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Budget, tax rate adopted by council

Budget, tax rate adopted by council

The Wylie City Council approved the fiscal year 2024-25 (FY25) budget last week which includes a 5.27% increase in the property tax rate. The new rate will be $0.534301 per $100 of assessed valuation, with $0.417244 allocated for maintenance and operation and...

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District adopts tax rate for 2024-25

District adopts tax rate for 2024-25

With no meeting in July, Wylie ISD trustees took care of some required business and heard educational updates, including the current status of STAAR scores. Items on the Monday, Aug. 19, agenda included adopting a tax rate for maintenance and operations (M&O), as...

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Proposed tax rate approved by city council

Proposed tax rate approved by city council

As part of the annual budget process, Wylie City Council approved a proposed tax rate of $0.534301 per $100 of valuation for the 2024-25 (FY25) budget Tuesday, Aug. 13.  This rate, according to city documents, is $0.004581 less than the current rate and the...

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County finalizes proposed operating budget

County finalizes proposed operating budget

Collin County officials, like their counterparts in area cities and school districts, have been compiling their annual budget. While the budget process can be viewed as a year-round affair, work sessions and department input becomes especially tedious in late June,...

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