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Runoff election early voting begins June 1

by | May 20, 2015 | Uncategorized

Staff Reports

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After the May 9 Wylie City Council Election, Place 4 incumbent Bennie Jones and challenger Candy Arrington will faceoff in a runoff election.

In the initial election, Jones received 225, or 36.89 percent of total votes and Arrington received 157, or 25.74 percent.

Early voting is set for 8 a.m.-5 p.m. June 1-6 and 7 a.m.-7 p.m. June 8-9 at the Rockwall County Elections Administration Office and the Wylie Municipal Complex. Runoff Election Day will be held from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. June 13 at the First Baptist Church of Wylie Community Clubhouse and the Southfork Mobile Home Park Events Center.

Jones, a police officer of Lavon, served for several years on the Wylie City Council and focused on public safety and economic development with a priority for families. He founded the Wylie Youth Council and is a member of the Texas Crime Commission. As public service, Jones has been involved in creating new parks with basketball courts, the Wylie City Hall including the recreation center and library, Woodbridge Shopping Center and its new movie theater and attracting a new grocery supermarket.

I am thankful for the outpouring of support I have received from the voters,” Jones said. “It is my goal to continue to set a high standard and leave a legacy in Wylie that brings a feeling of pride to everyone. I believe the voters in the runoff will appreciate a candidate who has a focus on youth and family. Now that I’m in law-enforcement it’s giving me a greater connection to the community and further supports my passion for making Wylie a stronger, safer place and a premier city in the region.”

Over the 20 years she has lived in Wylie, Arrington has served on the Wylie Education Foundation, Wylie City Library, PTA and Wylie Youth Soccer Association. She plans to focus on the growth of Wylie and how the city should manage the challenges that come with it. She plans to help grow the city alongside the population including parks, public gathering places, city roads, police, fire and so on.

“It’s a tough road ahead and I have learned you can’t take one vote for granted,” Arrington said. “In order to win I have to hit the ground running. I have a strong support team in place and I believe my sense of community and financial background shows that I am a viable candidate.  I have a proven reputation and track record for having a vision, putting together a strategic plan, and seeing it through to the finish with successful results.”


Collin College

Place 8 for the Collin College Board of Trustees will face a runoff election between Jim Orr and Collin Kennedy. Early voting is set for June 1-5 and June 8- 9. The runoff election date will be June 13.

In the initial election Kennedy received 4,325, or 26.9 percent of the total votes and Orr received 6,426 votes or 39.96 percent.

Attorney Kennedy of McKinney wants to ensure that Collin College remains an elite and affordable higher education for young adults. He believes evolving technologies can be used to make the college an even better value, and the school can do a better job of leveraging resources in the community. Kennedy further points out that the college needs to keep up with an ever expanding population in Collin College, and stay abreast of change so that it can offer specialized vocational training to provide students with a better way of life.

Orr of Lucas would bring a background in technology and business to guide Collin College through future growth and change, working with students, school faculty and staff and other board members. He recognizes that technology continues to change and the college needs to stay focused on integrating new technology into the learning experience, and growth needs to be managed to keep pace with the increasing number of students. Orr is an electrical engineer with a Master’s degree in Business Education who has worked in business development with server large corporations.


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