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Collin College offers FastTrack classes

by | Sep 16, 2022 | Education

Collin College is offering a FastTrack session this fall, providing students with the opportunity to start fall semester classes in September and October. Several classes can even be completed before the Thanksgiving break.

Students can select classes ranging from art to welding and move one step closer to their associate degrees and/or transfer the credits to area universities. FastTrack classes are offered in online and in-person formats. Taught by outstanding faculty, these courses include access to online or in-person student support services at Collin College’s affordable tuition.

FastTrack classes are limited and fill up quickly. Registration for fall FastTrack classes is now open for current students. New students should begin by applying for admission at For additional information, including a class listing, visit Email [email protected] any questions you have about the program.  For more information, visit

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