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Contest develops for WISD board

by | Jul 29, 2020 | Education

 The filing period for the Wylie Independent School District board of trustees has been open for a little more than a week and already has drawn five candidates, of which three are seeking the same seat on the school board.

Candidates can sign up through Aug. 17 at the Edu­cation Service Center, 951 S. Ballard Ave.

The election will be held Nov. 3 in conjunction with the general election. Early voting is set for Oct. 19-30.

Filed for a new term on the school board is Matt Atkins, Place 4. Atkins currently serves as board president and is so far unopposed.

Also unopposed early in the filing period is Bryan Brokaw, seeking Place 3.

Three hopefuls seeking the Place 7 seat are Kylie Reising, Brenda Scherer and Donny McKay.

Longtime trustees Barbara Goss, Place 3, and Stacie Gooch, Place 4, decided not to seek re-election this year.

For more stories like this, see the July 29 issue or subscribe online.

From Staff Reports [email protected]

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