Although no candidates have officially filed for office in Wylie, City Councilmember Matthew Porter resigned from the council Monday, Feb. 3, to run for mayor.
“I believe that Wylie is in a better place now than when I was elected, but that there is still much work to be done,” Porter said. “Therefore I am tendering my resignation from Place 2 to pursue service to Wylie in a higher political role.”
Porter was elected to the council in 2018 and was serving the second year of a 3-year term. He reported that he is completing paperwork to run for mayor and would file it this week.
Wylie voters must fill three posts in in the May 2 municipal election, including mayor. Until Porter’s announcement this week, the only activity in the election was from Councilmember David Dahl who announced he will not seek a third term in Place 6.
By Joe Reavis • [email protected]