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Education Foundation gala set for Feb. 17

by | Feb 7, 2018 | Education

By Joe Reavis

Staff Writer

[email protected]

Tickets will be available the door, but advance purchase is recommended, for the 15th annual Wylie ISD Education Foundation fundraising gala, Partying with a Purpose.

The annual event is Saturday, Feb. 17, at Southfork Ranch. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the meal and program begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are $60 a person, or $400 for a table of eight.

Back by popular demand is the western theme Boots and Barbecue. Attendees are encouraged to don the best western attire to enjoy barbecue and entertainment, participate in games and place their bids in silent and live auctions.

Foundation Executive Director Lori Villarreal reported that more than 450 people are expected to attend the gala and that 70 percent of the event tickets have already been sold. Tickets can be purchased in advance at

“I’ve done events before, but not a production like this,” Villarreal said. “We are expecting a full house.”

Entertainment includes a trick roper, who will dazzle guests as the gala opens, and Ladies Liberty Show Troup performing musical hits from the 2000s along with country and western favorites. The group puts on a USO-style show and has performed at military bases stateside and overseas including the Pentagon and VA Hospitals.

For the full story see the February 7 issue or subscribe online.

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