From staff repots
Cole McClendon resigned as superintendent of Community Independent School District last week.
A message on Community ISD’s website home page states: Joint Statement from Board of Trustees and Dr. Cole McClendon. Dr. McClendon has announced his resignation as Superintendent of Schools for Community ISD. The Board extends their best wishes to Dr. McClendon in his future endeavors.
No other comment has been issued by the board at this time.
McClendon was placed on paid administrative leave on March 2, 2015 and Jeff Chambers, CISD’s chief financial officer, was named Acting Superintendent at that time.
At that time, the board approved hiring an independent investigator to review allegations brought forth under board policy DIA Local. This policy addresses discrimination, harassment and retaliation involving district employees. In this policy, the term “employees” includes former employees and applicants for employment.
According to Texas Education Agency, Dr. McClendon’s salary for 2014 –’15 was $143,222.
McClendon began his education career as an agriscience teacher in 1992.
His first administrative position was in 1998 with Princeton ISD. In 2000 he moved into an administrative position with Wylie ISD.
In 2004, McClendon was named assistant superintendent for Community ISD where he served until he accepted his Wylie ISD Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Student Services with Wylie ISD in 2006. He was named Community ISD Superintendent in 2011.