More than 80 SkillsUSA students from Wylie and Wylie East high schools participated in the SkillsUSA State Conference and Competition held April 5-8 in Corpus Christi.
Overall, about 6,000 students from across Texas competed at state in 145 fields.
Wylie Independent School District students earned numerous medals and ribbons and, for the second consecutive year, one individual and one team earned gold medals the right to advance to the national finals set this summer in Louisville, Ky.
Advancing to the national competition are Andrea Gonzalez De La Garza of WHS in extemporaneous speaking, and the middle school engineering team of Sarah Griffeth, Aravind Karthigeyan and Cade Swanson that competed for WHS.
Staff Reports • [email protected]
For the full story see the April 18 issue or subscribe online.