From Staff Reports
A public hearing regarding the proposed widening of FM 2514 (Parker Road) from east of Lavon Parkway to Brown Street in Wylie is set for Thursday, Jan. 11, at McMillen Junior High School.
Texas Department of Transportation will provide displays for public viewing at 6 p.m. and the formal public hearing starts at 7 p.m. Purpose of the hearing is to present planned improvements and receive public comment on the project.
McMillen is located at 1050 Park Blvd. in Wylie.
The proposed project would reconstruct and widen FM 2514 to four lanes, ultimately six lanes, of urban divided highway. Improvements would require right-of-way acquisition of 16.23 acres, including easements. Total existing and proposed ROW is 63.76 acres.
As part of the project, 5-foot sidewalks will border the roadway and noise barriers will be built in the Valley Mills Dr./Millstone Dr. area of the Harvest Bend neighborhood