By Joe Reavis
Staff Writer
New school zone signs at some Wylie Independent School District campuses are causing problems with motorists who say they can’t see the flashing lights, especially in bright sunlight.
The school zone traffic signs are the responsibility of the city and are “compliant with placement, timing interval and color outlined by the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices,” City Engineer Tim Porter reported.
Wylie put up the new signs at several school locations. The signs are solar powered and have white LED beacon lights located at intervals around the border of the sign.
A message on each sign—it states “When Flashing”– warns motorists that the school zone is active when lights are flashing, and motorists should slow down to the posted speed limit. Individual school zone times that were posted at each location have been removed.
Porter says the new sign configuration allows flexibility if the School District elects to change zone times, and allows the City to turn off the lights on days when school is not in session. The new signs also allow remote monitoring and programming/scheduling.
However, the city engineer allows that options are being evaluated to increase visibility.
For the full story see the November 8 issue or subscribe online.