- A Wylie Fire-Rescue swift water rescue team approaches a flooded house in Lavon to evacuate two people and a cat Sunday.
From Staff Reports
The Swift Water Rescue Team of Wylie Fire-Rescue was called to action Sunday to help flood victims in the Nevada/Lavon area of Collin County.
Wylie personnel received a call Sunday morning to come to the mutual aid of Nevada Fire Department which was busy responding to 10 flood calls. Unofficial reports are that as much as eight inches of ran fell in the eastern part of the county within two hours.
“The whole eastern edge of the county was under water,” F-R Chief Brent Parker said.
The swift water team employed one of its inflatable rafts to evacuate two people and a cat from a house which had flooded and checked a second house, but the occupants had already evacuated, the chief reported.
Swift water rescue personnel then stood ready in the area in case their services were further needed.
Parker reports that the department received no flooding calls in Wylie.