Wylie East All-State choir students, from left, Nathan Jacob, Parker Smith, Logan Drum and Isabella Cavalier will perform in San Antonio Feb. 15. Courtesy photo
Wylie ISD choir students became eight of the hundreds of All-State Choir members after the final round of auditions last month at Dallas Baptist University.
Wylie High School’s qualifiers are Emma Rains, second chair Soprano Two, and Kimberly Irby, fifth chair Alto One, in the Treble Choir; Randeep Takhar, fourth chair Tenor One, in the Tenor-Bass Choir; and Chloe Stovall, second chair Soprano One, in the Mixed Choir. The four qualifiers from Wylie East are Isabella Cavalier, sixth chair Soprano One, in the Treble Choir; Logan Drum, third chair Tenor Two, and Parker Smith, fourth chair Bass One, in the Tenor-Bass Choir; and Nathan Jacob, first chair Tenor One, in the Mixed Choir.
“Being a member of the Texas All-State Choir is one of the highest honors a high school choir student in Texas can achieve,” Ashley Dame, associate director of choirs at Wylie East, said. “It signifies that the student has demonstrated exceptional musical talent, dedication and perseverance through a highly-competitive audition process.”
More than 70,000 Texas students enter the first round of auditions in their respective regions. Wylie ISD’s first round was held Saturday, Sept. 14, at Wylie High School. Wylie High’s Associate Director of Choirs Emily Mara shared that the students often begin preparations in mid-summer.
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By Allison LaBrot | [email protected]