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Welsh winner from Wylie

by | Oct 3, 2024 | Area News, Latest, news

Beth Miranda of Wylie and Scarborough Tigger, her 20-year-old palomino Section A Welsh Pony, won Supreme Champion in carriage driving events Thursday, Sept. 26, at the Welsh Pony and Cob Society’s American National Show in Chickasha, Oklahoma. Bob Wieland/C&S Media

Twenty years of training came down to two-tenths of a second in the show ring as Scarborough Tigger won grand champion in carriage driving at the 2024 Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America’s (WPCSA) American National Show in Chickasha, Oklahoma.

Tigger, a 20-year-old palomino Welsh Mountain Pony, is owned and shown by Beth Miranda of Wylie. Her Scarbourgh Farm breeding and training facility in St. Paul overlooks Lake Lavon.

“I am so proud of Tigger,” Miranda said after accepting a silver plate and large multicolored ribbon. 

Her 2-year-old daughter, Lily, ran up to the carriage to share the excitement after the announcement.

Tigger won blue ribbons in Carriage Driving-Turnout and Carriage Driving-Workout for ponies 12 hands and under. Tigger, a short Section A pony, stands 11:2 hands or 46 inches.

Another 20-year-old stallion, Nistar Blazing Kansas, owned and driven by Cynthia Bellis-Jones of Fox Run Farm, Paris, Kentucky, placed second in the two events out of the nine-member class.

But Tigger was tired and slowed appreciably in the third event, Carriage Driving-Cones/Obstacles, finishing fourth to Kansas’ first.

With the ponies tied in points, judges decided to have a runoff: the winner would be the best time through six gates of the obstacle course of orange traffic cones topped with tennis balls.

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