The Wylie City Council on Tuesday heard about meeting dates and gave direction on the groups to be represented for the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee. The first meeting is scheduled next month for the CPAC, and in August, the council will have a joint meeting with CPAC. A formal ordinance eventually will be presented for council consideration and action for establishing the committee, said Stephanie Storm, city secretary.
Groups or entities recommended to be represented on the CPAC are the Wylie ISD, Downtown Merchants Association, Historic Review Commission, Economic Development Corporation, Planning and Zoning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Board. The committee, which will have 14 members, will include appointees from council.
The comprehensive master plan is expected to be finished next spring. The plan will be a guide to manage and develop growth in Wylie.
Also Tuesday, the council approved two new members and two alternates to serve on the city’s Board of Ethics. James Koch and Aaron Coleman will be permanent members and Lori Villarreal and Michelle Langloys are alternates. The terms begin July 1 and end June 30, 2023. All four new members were interviewed by the council, either on Tuesday night or at a previous meeting.
Trustees tabled an item a zoning request from Agricultural to Planned Development-Single Family to allow for a single-family development on 4.6 acres, located at 601 and 595 Parker Road.
From Staff Reports [email protected]