SFOT 2024 RH

Zoning change approved for housing development

by | Jan 20, 2021 | Latest

The Wylie City Council on Jan. 12 approved a change of zoning for a property that will allow a new housing develop­ment to be built across from a school.

Councilmembers approved, in a 6-1 vote with David R. Duke opposed, a change from Agricultural to Planned Devel­opment-Single Family to allow for single-family development on 13 acres on Woodbridge Parkway across from Cooper Junior High School.

City officials said the devel­opment would have 90 lots, with the property bordered by Woodbridge Villas townhomes to the north and west, city limits to the south, and Cooper/Draper

schools to the east. The pro­posal is generally in line with the city’s comprehensive plan, which calls for commercial and/ or high-density residential. The proposed development stan­dards would allow for the sin­gle-family development of 90 lots with a minimum lot square footage of 4,400 square feet and minimum dwelling square foot­age of 1,800 square feet.

For the full story, see the Jan. 20 issue or subscribe online.

By Don Munsch[email protected]

Hilco Real Estate 6-2024


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