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Bake sale still delivers tasty treats

by | Dec 2, 2020 | Latest

 Cakes and cookies were just two of the delicacies for pur­chase for those who dropped by the 33rd annual Wylie Christian Care Center Bake Sale before Thanksgiving last week.

While those desserts and other food items have always been choices for shoppers’ meals on Turkey Day, a change of venue was a new wrinkle for this year’s event, as it was held at McClure Partners, a real estate services company, on North Jackson Street in Wy­lie. Proceeds for the bake sale, which featured several items, benefit the Christian Care Cen­ter. Members of the communi­ty made the items.

Betty Lutz-Black, event or­ganizer and founder of the first bake sale, and Amy Nap, pre­vious chairwoman of the bake sale, talked about the annual event, including how items are priced.

“We have a committee – a group of ladies – that come the day before the sale and they decorate the items and price them,” Nap said. “In years past, we have held the sale at differ­ent banks. This year because of COVID, not all the banks have opened lobbies, so we did the one location this year and it’s looking to be just as good as previous years’, too.”

The bake sale committee starts meeting in September to plan the sale, Nap said. Lu­tz-Black said grocery stores used to be the site for the sales before the banks. The Wylie Opry was the first site for the bake sale in 1987.

“It has just mushroomed,” Lutz-Black said.

The sale will make between $5,000-$8,000 for the Chris­tian Care Center, which pro­vides short-term emergency needs for local families. The charity will help pay certain bills, depending on available funds, and provides food and clothing, serving Wylie, La­von, Nevada, Josephine, Cope­ville, Royse City, Sachse and Murphy, according to its web­site.

“It’s been a fun thing,” Lu­tz-Black said about the sale, on the morning of Nov. 25. “The whole community looks for­ward to it – every year. You can tell by the crowd out here.”

Nap likes how the event brings people from the com­munity together to make the food.

For more information about the Christian Care Center, visit wyliecommunitychristiancare. org.

For more stories like this, see the Dec. 2 issue or subscribe online.

By Don Munsch[email protected]

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