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County confirms 32 new cases

by | Mar 27, 2020 | Latest

Collin County health officials reported 32 new cases of COVID-19 in Collin County this afternoon, bringing the total of reported cases here to 119. Note that, due to lab reporting time variations, some patient information has yet to be collected and released.

Plano: 12

  • Female, 73, no underlying health conditions, had contact with confirmed case, recovered;
  • Male, 44, no other information available at this time;
  • Male, 71, isolating at home with underlying medical conditions, previous domestic travel and contact with a previous confirmed case;
  • Male, 63, no other information available at this time;
  • Male, 71, hospitalized with underlying medical conditions, no recent travel and no known contact with a confirmed case;
  • Male, 43, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 51, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 63, no additional information available at this time;
  • Female, 60, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 64, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 64, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 42, no additional information available at this time;

Frisco: 5

  • Female, 82, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 41, self-isolating, no underlying health conditions, recent international travel, no contact with confirmed case;
  • Female, 44, no additional information available at this time;
  • Female, 67, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 62, no additional information available at this time;

McKinney: 5

  • Female, 53, no additional information available at this time;
  • Female, 35, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 53, self-isolating with no underlying health conditions, no recent travel;
  • Male, 29, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 44, no additional information available at this time;

Allen: 3

  • Male, 75, no additional information available at this time;
  • Female, 26, self-isolating with no underlying health conditions, recent international travel with no know contact with a confirmed case;
  • Female, 40, no additional information available at this time;

Prosper: 2

  • Female, 61, no additional information available at this time;
  • Male, 39, no additional information available at this time;

Lucas: 2

  • Male, 55, self-isolating with no underlying health conditions, recent domestic travel, no known contact with a confirmed case;
  • Male, 60, no additional information available at this time;

Sachse: 2

  • Female, 57, hospitalized with underlying health conditions, no recent travel or know contact with confirmed case;
  • Male, 58, no additional information available at this time;

Richardson: 1

  • Female, 48, no additional information available at this time;
  • Public Health Report
  • • There have been 87 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Collin County.
  • • There have been 357 negative COVID-19 tests in Collin County.
  • • 23 people have successfully recovered. Seven are hospitalized and 56 remain in home isolation.
  • • There has been 1 confirmed death associated with COVID-19 in Collin County.
  • Please note: One confirmed COVID-19 case reported to Collin County earlier this week was found to be a Dallas County resident, which dropped Collin County’s total case count to 87 once that case was transferred to Dallas County. The information above is the most recent — and corrected — count. 

From staff reports, [email protected]

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