Due to continued growth in student population, Wylie Independent School District trustees may call a $187 million bond election to renovate 12 campuses, primarily adding classroom space.
School board members conducted a workshop Monday, Sept. 10, to hear details of a new master facilities plan presented by Superintendent David Vinson and Assistant Superintendent Kim Spicer.
“Nothing is in stone,” Spicer said. “Demographics are changing.”
WISD added more than 750 students when classes started in August for the 2018-19 school term, boosting enrollment to more than 16,000, Vinson reported. Last year, the district added 689 students, which was more than Allen, Garland, McKinney, Richardson and Rockwall districts.
For the full story see the Sept. 19 issue or subscribe online.
By Joe Reavis • [email protected]