From Staff Reports
Sponsorships to support prizes given away at the 49th annual Wylie Area FFA and 4-H Show and Sale, set April 6-9, are being accepted through the end of this week.
The sponsorships help pay for buckles, trophies and ribbons awarded to junior showmen for the best livestock, horticulture, food and shop projects. Levels of support range from $50 for a bronze sponsor to $3,000 for the title sponsor. To become a sponsor, contact Wylie FFA advisors Tracy Vernon, 972-429-3194, or Luke Parr, 972-429-3144.
Livestock activities during the event will be held at the F.O. Birmingham Agricultural Center located on Hensley Lane. Animals to be judge are market and breeding cattle, rabbits, swine, goats, sheep and chickens.
The top market animals will be sold at auction at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 9. Last year, the sale brought bids totaling $116,000. Proceeds go to help students fund future projects as well as future educational and career needs.
For full story see The Wylie News at