By Joe Reavis
Staff Writer
Wylie Chamber of Commerce is starting to put the finishing touches on its 38th annual awards banquet set for Friday, April 1, and moved downtown this year.
The banquet will be at the First Baptist Church Special Events Center, starting at 7 p.m. and preceded by a reception at 96 Degrees Winery downtown at 5:30 p.m. The event was held at B&B Theaters the past two years.
“We love the idea of putting it back downtown,” Chamber President Mike Agnew said.
Theme for the 2016 affair is Bowties and Bling. Dress is after five attire and awards are to be given for the best bowtie and best bling.
“If you don’t have a bowtie, we can provide one for you,” Agnew said.
Purpose of the dinner is to announce awards for contributions to the community in 2015. The chamber will present the Citizen of the Year and Business of the Year, and has two new awards, Impact Business and Impact Citizen that recognizes a business and resident new to Wylie who have quickly become cooperative members of the community.
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