From Staff Reports
The Wylie Police Department reports that the city’s 2024 crime per 1,000 tresidents decreased by 4% from 2023 figures, despite a 1% increase in population.
Calls for service also decreased by almost 10% during the same period.
Crime rate statistics are based on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), which defines crime as the number of offenses committed per 1,000 population.
Group A offenses include 24 offense categories, comprising 52 offenses, and Group B offenses include 10 groups.
The crime rate is calculated by dividing the total number of Group A and B offenses reported to the police by the population.
In 2024, Wylie Police reported a total of 1,997 offenses. The city’s estimated population for 2024 was 63,752, resulting in a crime rate of 31.32 offenses per 1,000 residents.
Last year, there were 1,367 Group A offenses, an increase of one offense from 2023. The Group A crime rate per 1,000 population decreased by 1% compared to 2023 figures.
Notable changes in Group A offenses include three homicides in 2024 compared to zero homicides in 2023; a 5% decrease in assault incidents (from 377 to 357) and a 50% drop in fraud cases, which fell from 154 in 2023 to 77 in 2024. Larceny/theft cases rose by 17%, from 424 to 494 offenses, while arson, which was nonexistent in 2023, spiked by 300%, with five reported incidents. Sex offenses decreased by 44%, from 25 to 14 incidents.
According to Sergeant Donald English, Fentanyl deaths are the main source of the city’s homicides.
“We are grateful for our highly trained investigators and the Collin County District Attorney’s Office who work together to hold individuals accountable for knowingly providing fentanyl to citizens which results in their death,” he said.
Group B offenses saw a decrease, with 680 reported in 2023 and 630 in 2024, reflecting a 7% drop in crimes per 1,000 residents.
Group B offenses generally involve less severe crimes and show a significant reduction in driving under the influence (DUI) arrests occurred, falling 37% from 180 to 113. Disorderly conduct increased by 35%, rising from 55 to 74 offenses. Other offenses, such as liquor law violations, saw significant drops (45%), from 11 to 6 cases.
Offenses in the “All Other Crimes” category, which includes offenses not classified as Group A or B, totaled 600, marking a 26% decrease from 2023. Motor vehicle accidents increased by 17% from 2023, with three fatalities reported.
“Daytime traffic continues to increase in Wylie with the growth in population and expansion of roadways,” English said. “The Wylie Police Department is committed to increasing enforcement in traffic violations to encourage safe driving behavior.”
Crime rate statistics provide a snapshot of reported criminal activity in the community. Although Wylie PD said it is pleased with the reduction in crime,
it acknowledges that some residents unfortunately became victims of crime.
For more information about the Wylie Police Department or this report, contact Sergeant Donald English at 972-841-0104 or [email protected].
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