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Trustees OK donations for memorial honoring sisters

by | Jan 31, 2024 | Education, Latest

 A memorial will be built at Cox Elementary in Sachse honoring the Mendoza sisters, Daniela and Sofia, who were killed in the May 2023 mass shooting at the Allen Outlet Mall. Courtesy Wylie ISD 

At the first Wylie ISD school board meeting of the year on Monday, Jan. 22, Cox Elementary Principal Krista Wilson announced an upcoming memorial honoring sisters Daniela and Sofia Mendoza. The Cox students were among the eight people killed at the mass shooting in Allen on May 6, 2023.

“In the days following this tragedy, so many people reached out wanting to do something to honor the memory of these sweet sisters,” Wilson said. 

Cox ESL teacher Stephanie Green took the lead on the Mendoza Legacy Project, which began with crayons and notebooks before architects were involved. The memorial will be located on the northeast corner of Cox Elementary and Green said their hopes for the project are threefold.

“We want to provide a place to honor and remember Daniela and Sofia,” Green said. “Create an outdoor space for our current Cox Coyotes and teachers and to provide a place of reflection and calm for the community.”

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