Haden Sherman, center, and Drew Erickson, right, were recognized with Wylie High School FFA Advisor Clara Price during the Monday, June 19, board meeting. The students’ accomplishments were honored, including the sale of their animals at well-known livestock shows in the state. Connor Pittman/The Wylie News
Wylie ISD trustees approved a budget for the upcoming fiscal year despite some uncertainty surrounding property relief and statutory requirements to raise teacher compensation in special legislative sessions.
The overall budget was presented by Scott Roderick, assistant superintendent of finance and operations, who provided three fund overviews and a proposed tax rate based on current statutes during the Monday, June 19, meeting. As required by law, a public hearing for the proposed budget was held.
Roderick proposed a balanced budget for the general fund with about $196.62 million in revenues and expenditures, around $45.46 million in revenue and expenditures for the debt services fund and $9.7 million in revenue and $10.9 million in expenditures for the food service fund. The $1.2 million deficit in the food service fund was necessary, said Roderick, because the district has accumulated a balance above acceptable levels.
There may be restructuring opportunities for the debt services fund in 2024 and 2025, he added.
In the general fund, Roderick said 84.7% of expenditures pertained to payroll, which factored in a 3% midpoint pay increase for all employees. There is also language included to raise the compensation of teachers if a special session passes legislation to increase teacher compensation, he said.
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