A prospective development in Wylie solicited feedback ahead of a planned work session with council.
Tom Grunnah from Younger Partners presented a mixed-use development with commercial and townhome residences during the Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission Tuesday, May 2. The property is located at the corner of Park Boulevard and Country Club Road and will consist of around 12 to 13 acres of developable space.
“It’s one of the neater projects that’s come along as far as character and uses,” Grunnah said. “It has a nice use of open space and the property is not challenged by any major drainage or detention issues, it’s just a matter of being creative with the use.”
Grunnah’s proposal outlined around 77 townhome units with lot sizes of about 20 feet wide by 90 feet deep. Director of Community Services Jasen Haskins said city regulations require a minimum lot size of 30 feet wide by 100 feet deep, leaving the proposed development 33% shy in terms of area. For the interior of the building, there were less concerns about the 1,600 square-foot area.
“Our minimum on a townhome building is 1,200 [square feet] and almost everybody makes that,” Haskins said.
However, the development did include more green space relative to other proposals, which commissioners appreciated despite the lot size concerns. The developer is scheduled to hold a workshop session with council during the May 30 meeting where it will likely incorporate some of the feedback from the planning and zoning meeting.
Haskins said council could consider whether smaller overall lot sizes are permissible if other amenities or perks are included in a development.
“The precedent would be, ‘maybe we’ll consider smaller lots if you put a lot of open space in there,’” Haskins said.
Grunnah said townhomes in the development would be for sale as opposed to rentable, coming with a two-car garage. Areas within the mixed-use project would also incorporate more European architecture, giving the development a unique feel in the city, he added.
“I would hope they would embrace this concept based on what we’ve seen over the years,” Grunnah said.
In other business, the commission recommended approving amendments to the city’s zoning ordinance sections pertaining to the use of smoke shops, smoking establishments and alcohol sales.
Haskins said smoke shops and establishments had come into focus as they become more common in the community.
“We felt that sometimes those get located in areas that may be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of Wylie,” Haskins said. “We created a smoke shop use, recommended that they be placed in commercial areas with a special-use permit and light industrial by-right and create distance requirements from schools and each other.”
For the full story, see the May 10 issue of The Wylie News.