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Collin County still among fastest growing, census shows

by | Apr 13, 2023 | Latest

Texas continues to experience a population boom, especially in Collin County, which was among the top 10 counties for largest growth.

The U.S. Census Bureau released its Vintage 2022 data estimates for counties in a March 30 news release that also showed Collin County as the second-fastest growing county in terms of domestic migration. The Vintage 2022 data expands on last year’s release that captured growth from April 1, 2020, through July 1, 2021 to include totals through July 1, 2022.

Vintage data released by the Census Bureau also serves as a yearly revision to decennial census statistics that were released in 2020. Over the course of this year, updated totals will be provided for the state, counties and municipalities. Although revised totals are produced, the decennial census provides the benchmark for city population signs and congressional apportionment.

According to officials with the census bureau, growth and domestic migration totals began to look more in line with pre-pandemic totals after large urban counties, such as Dallas County experienced population decline in the Vintage 2021 data.

“The migration and growth patterns for counties edged closer to pre-pandemic levels this year,” said Dr. Christine Hartley, assistant division chief for estimates and projections in the Census Bureau’s population division. “Some urban counties, such as Dallas and San Francisco, saw domestic outmigration at a slower pace between 2021 and 2022, compared to the prior year. Meanwhile, many counties with large universities saw their populations fully rebound this year as students returned.”

In the Vintage 2022 data, Collin County was also the third-highest county in terms of numeric growth, adding 44,246 residents. Nationally, it only trailed Harris County, which added 45,626 residents, and Arizona’s Maricopa County, which added 56,831 to its population. 

With the addition, Collin County’s total population stands at around 1.16 million people after the 3.97% increase to its population from over 1.11 million in the Vintage 2021 data. Other Texas counties joining Collin and Harris in Texas include Denton, Fort Bend, Bexar and Montgomery, giving the state six of the top 10 in growth. 

Dallas County, the eighth largest in terms of population per Vintage 2022 data, experienced a 0.5% increase in its population after a 1.1% decrease in the Vintage 2021 figures. The county’s population now stands at 2.6 million, a shade lower than the number of residents in 2020, but above the nearly 2.59 million in 2021.

Statewide data also showed Texas’ population over 30 million, a 1.6% increase from the Vintage 2021 population of 29.56 million.

For the full story, see the April 12 issue of The Wylie News.

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