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Dog park, splash pad construction planned in 2023

by | Jan 11, 2023 | Latest

As Parks and Recreation staff navigate the new year, several new classes and parks improvements are on offer for 2023.

Among the projects scheduled to take place this year are the construction of a splash pad at Community Park along with one at the Municipal Complex. The Municipal Complex will also be home to the city’s new dog park, once completed.

Recreational Supervisor Julie Pannell said new playground equipment will be installed at Valentine Park and Birmingham Farms Park in addition to a re-surfacing at Olde City Park. The new surface will be a pour-in-place foundation, which supports the accessibility needs of some residents, she added.

At the Wylie Recreation Center, located within the Municipal Complex, pickleball classes are scheduled to begin in the spring and pass holders will be able to livestream Group X fitness classes in the aerobics room, said Pannell. Founders Park will also hold beach volleyball and lacrosse classes for interested individuals.

Pannell said uncertainties in the post-pandemic landscape posed initial challenges resulting in the creation of “backup to the backup plans,” Pannell said.

“Because many of the communities around us waited to get programs going, their citizens were participating with us,” Pannell said. “The department and city ultimately planned for an increase in indoor and outdoor rentals, higher attendance during open play in the gym and more need for special events by adding options, attractions, retail, supplies and staffing.”

The return of in-person events in 2022 also saw increased attendances at the city’s “Summer Kickoff,” special events — such as Boo on Ballard and Bluegrass on Ballard — celebrations at the Senior Recreation Center and Wylie Recreation Center holiday events, she added. The city also opened the welcome center at the Brown House in 2022, holding a public ceremony in early December.

For the full story, see the Jan. 11 issue of The Wylie News.

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