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Council honors area nonprofits

by | Jun 8, 2022 | Latest

Several area nonprofit organizations focused on providing food and other essential needs to families that have fallen on hard times were honored by Wylie City Council.

Leaders from the Wylie Christian Care Center, including Raymond Cooper, 5 Loaves, Hope for the Cities and Amazing Grace Food Pantry were at the May 31 regular city council meeting to receive proceeds from the Taste of Wylie fundraiser held earlier in the month.

Although the city raised $6,832 from the event, the total amount raised was $24,333.

“Our thanks to the city and the [Economic Development Corporation] for doing this,” Mary Warkentine of the Christian Care Center said. “This was more than we had anticipated.”

Warkentine said when the Taste of Wylie began, there was only one food pantry in Wylie serving a population of about 2,000 people.

“This was growing to a capacity that was more than the care center could do,” Warkentine said. “Plus, we wanted to be able to share with the other food pantries.”

Karen Ellis of Amazing Grace Food Pantry thanked the city for their support.

“Over 8,000 people thank you with over 2 million pounds of food being distributed this year from our pantry as well,” Ellis said. “We are all a team, and we all coordinate together, so it’s not a competition. We just love each other and share.”

For the full story, see our June 8 issue or subscribe online.

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