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Council approves building code changes

by | Feb 9, 2022 | Latest

Wylie City Council held two public hearings and voted to approve several changes to the building codes.

Plans Examiner Chris Montgomery said building codes are updated every three years and changes go will into effect March 1. Montgomery said homes constructed before the changes go into effect are not subject to them, however, new builds and homes that are remodeled after March 1 will be.

In total, 10 ordinances were changed concerning the code, each repealing a previous ordinance.

Council held a public hearing concerning the changes, in which one resident spoke in favor of the changes.

A second public hearing concerning a special use permit to allow a drive-thru restaurant was a formality as the applicant withdrew the applicant before the meeting.

Council accepted the withdrawal after closing the hearing.

For the full story, see our Feb. 16 issue.

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