NTMWD Watering Advice 2023

Council approves zoning change despite some community opposition

by | Aug 25, 2021 | Latest

The Wylie City Council on Tuesday approved a request from Fuel City to change zoning from Commercial Corridor to Planned Development to allow for a convenience store to be built at Eubanks Lane and Highway 78.

Councilmembers’ vote, a 6-1 decision with Mayor pro tem Jeff Forrester dissenting, drew immediate criticism from some attendees in the council hall. The vast majority of the 17 people who spoke during a public hearing at the meeting opposed the change of zoning. Several speakers cited traffic, a fear of crime and a lack of need for this business, because other services already are available in the area, such as convenience stores and a car wash.

“Thanks, fellas,” a man said sarcastically to the council as he departed the council hall, just after a woman angrily said the council ignored her comments about how other Metroplex Fuel City locations had allegedly drawn crime. She provided what she said were criminal data documents to the council. 

The applicant requested rezoning 7.79 acres located on the northeast corner of State Highway 78 and Eubanks Lane. The Fuel City travel center will contain a convenience store with motor fueling, a restaurant with drive-thru service, truck fueling and an automatic car wash.

Council heard a presentation from Fuel City president Joseph Bickham.

Also at the meeting, council approved a 2021-22 tax rate of $0.643751, with the maintenance and operations set at $0.491864 and the interest and sinking rate set at $0.151887.

Read more about the meeting in the Sept. 1 edition of The Wylie News.

From Staff Reports [email protected]

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