Wylie City Councilmembers will hold four public hearings at their Tuesday meeting.
The meeting begins at 6 p.m. at City Hall.
The hearings:
— Consider and act upon a request for a change of zoning from Agricultural
to Planned Development-Single Family, to allow for a single family development on 4.6 acres,
located at 601 & 595 Parker Road.
— Consider and act upon a request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor to Commercial Corridor Special Use Permit, to allow for a restaurant with drive-through on
1.022 acres, property located at 2817 FM 544.
— Consider, and act upon a request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor to Commercial Corridor Special Use Permit, to allow for a restaurant with drive-thru on 1.37 acres, property located at 499 S. State Highway 78.
— Consider and act upon a request for a change of zoning from Agricultural
to Planned Development, to allow for a mixed-use community on 47.29 acres generally located at 2301 FM 1378.
From Staff Reports [email protected]