Becky Welch said a person’s loved ones are never truly gone as long as their stories are shared.
An event in Wylie on April 17 helps do that for people wanting to remember one Wylie native.
Run for our Heroes Race kicks off its 10th year at Old City Park in downtown Wylie. The event begins at 9 a.m. with a small opening ceremony at Old City Park, and then at sundown, around 7:30 p.m., musicians playing pipes and drums will play “Amazing Grace” and then an individual will play taps on a bugle. The annual 5K will be virtual and there won’t be an in-person run.
The event features a barbecue lunch from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Run for our Heroes is conducted to preserve the memory of Wylie native and Army 1LT Rob Welch, 26, who was killed in Afghanistan on April 3, 2011. Becky Welch, Welch’s widow, wanted to pay tribute to her husband and other fallen soldiers and recognize those currently serving as well as local veterans, firemen and police officers.
For the full story, see the April 14 issue or subscribe online.
By Don Munsch • [email protected]