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Dress code updated

by | Apr 14, 2021 | Education, Latest

Torn jeans? Not acceptable.

Striped polos? Now accept­able.

But sweatpants are still a no-go.

The Wylie ISD board exam­ined the updated dress code for students and faculty at its March 22 meeting, with shirts, pants, sweatshirts and sweat­pants among the many articles of clothing that the district scrutinized when drafting its latest rules. Trustees will vote on the proposed 2021 dress code at their April 19 meeting.

A district-wide committee to study the dress code met three times, beginning in Decem­ber, to look at which clothing would be acceptable for stu­dents and staff members. Em­phasis centered on revising the dress code to address trends.

“We do it every two years,” said Scott Winn, assistant superintendent for student ser­vices. “We didn’t do it last year because of COVID. Last year would have been our second year (of the two years), so this is our second year.”

He said district officials always try to listen to people on the dress code and then see what the trends are and try to move forward.

For the full story, see the April 14 issue or subscribe online.

By Don Munsch[email protected]

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