Board hears of district’s efforts during health crisis

by | Mar 31, 2021 | Education, Latest

The nation and world are still coping with the pandemic, albeit with multiple vaccines developed and distributed now.

School officials did their part during the pandemic to continue learning for students on campus and in virtual mode, and at the March 22 board meeting, Wylie ISD board trustees heard from five dis­trict officials – Jessica Branch, director of policy, governance and grants; Scott Winn, assis­tant superintendent for student services; Brian Kelly, director of safety and security for the district; Kim Spicer, deputy su­perintendent; and Amy Hillin, district coordinator of health services – about how the dis­trict has persevered during the pandemic.

“I’m so proud of all the work that they’ve done to make it happen – from our teachers to our kids to our parents to you guys who’ve made really bold decisions,” Superintendent Da­vid Vinson said to district offi­cials who spoke at the meeting. “It’s awesome.”

Winn said the school year began with district officials asking constituents how they should proceed with learning. The district was one of two dis­tricts in Dallas-Fort Worth that began with students on cam­puses the first day.

“We’ve found different ways to say yes for our students and staff,” he said, pointing out that the effort began with having high school graduations at the stadium at the end of the last school year.

The district was able to hold extracurricular activities this year, such as athletic events and plays, and trustees heard about student performance in classrooms. Sixty-eight per­cent of students are now back on campus.

For the full story, see the Mar. 31 issue or subscribe online.

By Don Munsch[email protected]


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