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Deadline nears for Arts Festival application

by | Oct 21, 2020 | Latest

Area arts and crafts vendors have through Friday, Oct. 30, to submit applications to par­ticipate in the annual Wylie Arts and Crafts Festival set for Saturday, Dec. 5.

The city decided recently to proceed with the festival with some changes made to address health safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most public events in Wylie have been canceled this year.

The biggest change is that the festival is moving out­doors to the First Baptist Wylie Parking front parking lot along Hwy. 78 and Olde City Park. Ballard Ave. from Hwy 78 to Oak Street will be closed to allow for food ven­dors. Past events were held inside the FBW Event Center.

In addition, vendors serv­ing patrons must wear pro­tective masks and maintain a 6-foot distance, and booths are to be spaced 4-6 feet apart.

The arts festival opens at 9 a.m. and runs until 4 p.m.

A 10 by 10 fine arts or crafts booth costs $80. Arts and crafts include original art, photography, graphics and fabric art, handcrafted origi­nals in wood, leather, metal, ceramics and glass, handwo­ven baskets, handmade jew­elry or clothing, and authentic antiques.

A food vendor space is $300. Each vendor must ob­tain a county health permit and display a menu with pric­es. Direct water hookup will be provided, but vendors must provide their own power.

No multi-level marketing vendors are allowed. Raffles, drawings and/or solicited do­nations are prohibited unless approved in advance. No al­cohol sales are allowed.

Festival applications are available on the city of Wylie web site,

For more stories like this, see the Oct. 21 issue or subscribe online.

By Joe Reavis[email protected]

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