To help businesses recover from losses attributed to the COVID-19 health crisis, Wylie City Council renewed a financial assistance program and more than doubled the amount of aid available to $750,000.
Council renewed the program, which it had offered in May, at its regular meeting Tuesday, June 9, and also initiated a similar effort to help non-profit organizations that have seen request for aid increase this year.
The council also held public hearings on two housing developments, denying an apartment project and seeking some concessions on a townhome project.
After the regular business session, the council conducted six workshops on water and sewer rates, water meter replacement, extraterritorial jurisdiction, the city Code of Ethics, city charter amendments and the 2020-21 budget. Council members met from 6 p.m. Tuesday to 1 a.m. Wednesday.
Full details of the sessions will be in the June 17 issue of The Wylie News.
By Joe Reavis • [email protected]