Responding to comments at prior meetings, Texas Department of Transportation modified its plan to widen FM 2514 into Wylie by trimming the amount of right-of-way needed and reconfiguring the intersection with Brown Street.
TxDOT presented the design changes at a meeting with affected property owners held Thursday, July 19, at Davis Intermediate School.
Scope of the project is to widen FM 2514 from its present two lanes to a 4-lane divided road from east of Lavon Parkway to Brown Street, a distance of about three miles. Design will allow the road to be widened to six lanes in the future for most of the length.
Maps of the project showing its width, medians, turn lanes and impact on property owners were displayed on tables at the school and TxDOT personnel were on hand to answer questions.
For the full story see the July 25 issue or subscribe online.
By Joe Reavis • [email protected]