On the dais in Senate Chambers are, front row from left, Rep. Jodie Laubenberg and Sen. Van Taylor, second row, City Manager Mindy Manson, Councilwoman Diane Culver, Mayor Eric Hogue, Bryan Brokaw, back row, Public Information Officer Craig Kelly, Councilman Jeff Forrester, Jason Greiner, Mayor pro tem Keith Stephens and Wylie Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Sam Satterwhite.
By Joe Reavis
Staff Writer
A delegation from Wylie trekked to Austin earlier this month to meet with legislators on issues they consider important to the city and school district.
The Wylie Days event was held Feb. 8-9. Meeting with the delegation were Sens. Craig Estes, Van Taylor and Bob Hall, and Rep. Jodie Laubenberg.
For the full story see the Feb. 22 issue and the e-Edition at https://www.etypeservices.com/Wylie%20NewsID245/default.aspx