Parker Cusey (74) provides pass protection for Wylie quarterback Emilio Ames during Friday’s 28-3 bi-district loss at Southlake Carroll. Cusey is currently hospitalized and being treated for stroke-like symptoms following the contest.
By Greg Ford
Sports Editor
A Wylie offensive lineman is being treated for a stroke that he suffered during last Friday’s playoff game at Southlake Carroll.
Junior offensive lineman Parker Cusey is currently hospitalized at the Baylor Medical Center in Dallas after being taken from the bi-district playoff game — Wylie lost 28-3 — first to Grapevine’s Baylor facility; he was later transferred to the Dallas hospital, according to reports on social media.
For the full story see the Nov. 16 issue and the e-Edition at https://www.etypeservices.com/Wylie%20NewsID245/default.aspx