By Joe Reavis
Staff Writer
Work to improve a bottleneck at pair of intersections of Parker Road (FM 2514) and Country Club (FM 1378) north of Wylie is expected to be completed this summer, then another roadway project in the area begins.
The Parker Road project was selected in 2013 to receive funding from the Regional Toll Revenue State Highway 161 Subaccount and is a joint undertaking among the city of Wylie, Collin County and Texas Department of Transportation. The cost is $4.3 million, of which the city and county provided $676,000 and the RTR fund supplied $3.6 million.
Selected by bid as the contractor was Ed Bell Construction Company. Bell’s bid was for $2.4 million, right-of-way purchases amounted to $500,000 and utility relocations cost $1.5 million.
The roadwork encompasses two “T” intersections of Parker Road with Country Club that are about 1,000 feet apart and controlled by traffic signals. The intersections cause Parker Road to jog as it meets Country Club, shares the roadbed for a short distance, then turns off. In the mornings, traffic leaving Wylie is backed up, and in the evenings traffic returning to Wylie is snarled.
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