The passage of Senate Bill 924 last year was supposed to allow smaller counties to combine precints, however, an added amendment prevents larger counties from doing that. File Art
Collin County voters may have new locations to cast ballots in November’s elections. But that’s not necessarily a good thing.
A requirement for large counties to add polling places was an unintended consequence of a new law passed last year by the Texas Legislature, said County Elections Administrator Bruce Sherbet.
“We’ll probably have to add about 20 polling places,” Sherbet said.
Collin County has 252 precincts served by 105 polling places.
Senate Bill 924 (SB 924), sponsored by Sen. Drew Springer, R-Muenster, was supposed to allow smaller counties that don’t use countywide voting the option to combine precincts. It also allowed precincts to contain up to 10,000 registered voters, twice the previous limit.
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By Bob Wieland | [email protected]