The scoreboard shows the final tally after Wylie’s win over Rowlett.
Wylie (5-1, 4-0 in 9-6A) grounds Rowlett (2-3, 2-5) on a rare Thursday night game. Pirates won 21-7 at Homer B. Johnson Stadium in Garland. Wylie’s power defense held the Eagles to five rushing yards.
Pirates quarterback Jagger Bale threw ten completions for 210 yards, two touchdowns and an interception. Receivers Martaveion Sanders and Jackson Draper combined for eight carries for 204 yards and two touchdowns. Running back Josh Ausborne ran 164 yards via 21 carries. Roman Bueche ran 32 yards on 12 carries and a touchdown. The Pirates finished with 425 yards including 215 rushing and 210 passing.
Next game is at home, Friday the 13th at Wylie ISD Stadium. The second all-time district matchup between the Wylie Pirates and the Wylie East Raiders.
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By T.R. Armstrong • [email protected]