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Results tallied for annual point-in-time count

by | Feb 15, 2023 | Latest

The results for an annual census of the population in the Wylie area were calculated, producing the highest number of individuals since the count began seven years ago.

Jon Bailey, Hope for the Cities pastor, said 15 individuals were counted as either sheltered or unsheltered during the point-in-time count the evening of Jan. 26, a new high. The highest number of individuals previously was 13.

When counting the local population, they are classified as sheltered or unsheltered depending on whether or not they have a place to stay. Being unsheltered means they live in a place that lacks a secure structure around them, said Bailey, adding that sheltered means they have a structure around them but cannot pay to stay there long term. 

Although Bailey and local volunteers helped count in the Wylie area, it is part of a larger effort across the United States.

“This is a national effort to record how many of our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness, whether they are sheltered or unsheltered, and what led to them being in their situation,” Bailey said.

On the night of the event, the 27 volunteers from several community organizations assembled around 5:30 p.m. before splitting into five teams to spread out across Wylie and surrounding areas, said Bailey. One team manned The Hub, two teams assisted the Wylie Police Department and Collin County Sheriff’s Office in the parks and two teams counted local parking lots, hotels and other areas where homeless people are known to live.

For the full story, see the Feb. 15 issue of The Wylie News.

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