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We will reap what we sow

by | Apr 28, 2022 | Latest, Opinion

By Kris Segrest

When a farmer has a barren field, what does he do? He could complain about it. He could make excuses for it. He could pray about it. Yet, none of these things will help him until he plants a seed. He must get the seed in the ground to see the condition of the field change.

In the verse above, Jesus is saying, “I am going to die and go into the tomb. Later, I am going to break out of the ground, just like the seed breaks forth from the earth into something different than a seed. I am going to do this to ransom the souls of countless millions of people. My one life will be expended for the many.”

Many times, we sit back and wait on God to do something about our situation. We want Him to act and right now! Yet, many times God is saying, “Plant a seed.” Until we get the seed in the ground of our lives, our situations will never change.

Sowing and reaping are a foundational concept to believers. We will always reap what we sow, later than we sow it and different than we sow it. You always have something to sow — a seed. Rick Warren says it like this, “When you have a need, plant a seed.”

So, where do you need to plant some seeds? Think about it. If you need energy, you might need to spend some energy. Take care of your body. Do you need some romance in your marriage? You might need to sow the seeds that yield that response in your spouse. Do you need money? You should give away some money. This one might be the toughest one to wrap your mind around. Do you need encouragement? If your words encourage others, it is amazing how you will receive what you need. 

In every need that we plant a seed, we exercise faith. Faith always moves God – it moves Him to act. It is faith that motivates God. (Hebrews 11:6). Just as Jesus, practiced selfless faith and millions of people have been saved, our seeds of faith ought to bless others and become our legacy.


Where do you need to plant seeds for your needs?

In what ways is your life selfless?

How have you exercised faith this last week?

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