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Income adjusted housing approved

by | Feb 23, 2022 | Latest

Wylie City Council held two public hearings and authorized the issuance and sale of bonds passed in the November 2021 election.

The first public hearing was to rezone a 2.4-acre lot from neighborhood service to planned development – multi-family to allow for an income-adjusted housing complex called Jericho Village that will provide social services for at-risk individuals. 

Several residents spoke, some in favor, saying that the development was needed in the area, while others spoke against the complex citing traffic concerns and effects on neighboring property values.

Council voted to approve the complex.

The second public hearing concerned rezoning a building located at 401 N. Keefer to allow commercial or residential uses.

Three residents spoke, two in favor and one against, citing traffic at Keefer Street and Brown Street as the reason. 

The zoning change was approved by council.

Council authorized $5.5 million in bond issuance or early stages of design, planning and implementation that allows staff to get started on approved projects.

Finance Director Melissa Beard said when the bond election passed in November 2021, it was determined that council committed to only issuing the bonds when the city was ready to undertake the project. 

For the full story, see the March 2 issue. 

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