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Council weighs costs of proposed aquatics center

by | Apr 21, 2021 | Latest

Wylie residents have wanted a new public place to swim and do other aquatic activities, and now city councilmembers will try to offer something to meet that desire.

Leaders received a look at the design options for a pro­posed aquatics center – and its price and tax increases – during a lengthy workshop session at the council’s April 13 meeting.

The price of an aquatics cen­ter, which included both an out­door and indoor facility would be $25.3 million, with a high­er price tag being floated for a larger indoor facility – $27.8 million – in a second option. Mayor Matthew Porter estimat­ed the aquatics center project would cost around $136-$145 more in taxes per year, with the more expensive option coming in on the higher end.

Adam Brewster, represent­ing Dunaway Associates, a consultant that did the master plan study in 2020, talked to the board and council about the center. George Deines of Coun­silman-Hunsaker, a sub-consul­tant for the aquatics engineering plan, also spoke to councilmem­bers. Some members of the Parks and Recreation board attended the meeting and gave their feedback about the center.

For the full story, see the April 21 issue or subscribe online.

By Don Munsch[email protected]

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