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Ministry serves community

by | Mar 24, 2021 | Latest

First Baptist Wylie lead pas­tor Kris Segrest said his church never intended to take on a cer­tain mission it did in the last year, but it has opened up a new way of outreach for the commu­nity.

The church has served more than 220,000 meals to the com­munity since the pandemic hit one year ago. The virus forced a temporary lockdown and shut down schools and business­es in the early going, but over the long term, it caused multi­ple problems for families, who struggled paying for rent and basic necessities.

“We don’t look to cease any­time soon,” Segrest said. “In fact, we are really starting to try to figure out how to expand it. It’s really and truly one of those things that the Lord opened the door for us because we never intended as a church primarily to be in the quote-unquote food business.”

For the full story, see the Mar. 24 issue or subscribe online.

By Don Munsch[email protected]

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