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Wylie High School art students sketch, paint a future

by | Mar 10, 2021 | Education, Latest

When outlining their future goals, there is nothing abstract about the paths Wylie High School seniors Sydney Morri­son and Riley Cook are follow­ing. Armed with the affirmation of art school scholarships, they are on the brink of discovering where their skills will take them.

During the recent winter storm week, Sydney was no­tified that she had earned a $20,000 scholarship to Savan­nah College of Art and Design (SCAD) located in Savannah, Ga.

“I was thrilled because any form of scholarship based on my merit and submissions is outstanding to hear,” the Wy­lie resident said. “To know the things I worked on throughout my high school career have ac­tually paid off. I felt satisfied and rewarded.”

Her scholarship is two-part, one based on merit and the oth­er based on her digital portfolio. To earn the merit portion, she had to have a 3.0 or higher GPA. Her portfolio consisted of up to 20 images that demonstrated thought process, experimen­tation, and work for personal projects. She also had to submit a resume.

She said art classes she took at WHS helped her move to­ward her academic and career goals. She also credits deriving inspiration from Wylie ISD’s ideals of hard work, determina­tion and grit.

For the full story, see the Mar. 10 issue or subscribe online.

By Karen Chaney[email protected]

Hilco Real Estate 6-2024


SFOT 2024 RH

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