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McMillen Road remains on drawing board

by | Jan 9, 2019 | Latest

With every heavy rain, McMillen Road in north Wylie is closed due to flooding, and that will not change until funding is available to move the roadbed out of a floodplain and expand the thoroughfare to four lanes.

However, there is progress being made.

“We’re 95 percent designed and about to begin the process of purchasing right-of-way,” Wylie Public Works Director Tim Porter said. “I’m trying to get the project as far along as I can.”

Currently, the 8,100-foot road that connects Country Club and McCreary roads is two lanes wide. Porter reported that plans are to widen the road to a divided four lanes, plus leave ample room to expand it to six lanes if needed. Parallel bridges spanning Muddy Creek will be with extra width to accommodate six lanes of traffic.

For the full story, see the Jan. 9 issue or subscribe online.

By Joe Reavis • [email protected]

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