Municipal department heads made their budget presentations to Wylie City Council last week and now the council goes to work to reconcile requests to income.
Early general fund budget numbers show that income for fiscal year 2018-’19 is estimated at $42.9 million and expenses are $40.5 million, leaving a $2.4 million surplus prior to new spending requests.
New spending requests for the next fiscal year total $4.2 million, quickly erasing the surplus if they all were approved by the council.
“The list of staff requests is always more than it will ever be,” City Manager Mindy Manson said.
The city manager has already trimmed some requests and will eliminate more based on budgeting experience and timing of whether spending should be delayed for certain projects. The council also will do some trimming over the next several weeks.
A proposed budget must be filed with the City Secretary by Aug. 3. Public hearings on the tax rate and budget will be held Aug. 28 and Sept. 4, and both will be adopted Sept.11.
For the full story see the July 18 issue or subscribe online.
Joe Reavis • [email protected]