NTMWD Watering Advice 2023

Putting the Om in Your Home Yoga Practice

by | Jan 3, 2018 | Life & Style

By Abby Cole

Special Contributor

As a 13-year yoga student, I’ve found myself planking with a toddler as added resistance and receiving dog kisses while practicing my headstand balance. This may seem a little unexpected when trying to create a relaxing yoga environment at home, but I think it is the perfect test of yoga- to adjust when the unexpected happens and try to incorporate your yoga practice into life, even if the conditions don’t seem ideal.

Bringing your yoga practice home is one of the best ways to remain committed to your practice and further reap the rewards of yoga. With the new year in full swing, I challenge you to consider starting, revamping or reconstructing your home yoga practice with the following tips for creating an inviting place to dive into your inner peace.

  1. Pick a time that works for you for that day. My family has quite a hectic schedule, so if I don’t get yoga in before everyone is up, it is less likely to happen (or it will with the help of additional bodies to assist). So, for my ideal solitude, I do yoga before sunrise. Some people can’t fathom the idea of waking up and doing this first thing, but it’s actually quite energizing. I quickly work the kinks and strains out and start the day rejuvenated before my first cup of coffee. However, if the afternoon or evening is more ideal, go for it. Honor what works for your body and your schedule, but stay committed to the greatness that will result after you have followed through.

 For the full story see the January 3 issue or subscribe online.

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